Munich Trams

Munich Trams

From horse-drawn vehicles in 1876 to electric cars over 13 lines covering 165 stations, Munich's historic tramway remains an efficient way to get around.

Munich's tramway dates back to 1876, when it operated with horsecars departing from a central hub at Karlsplatz. By 1895, electric trams were introduced and the network continued expanding. When the 1972 Olympic Games brought modernisation to the city's public transport system, the new suburban rail and metro systems posed potential threats to the historic tramway, however, the trams survived and are as popular as ever.

There are 13 daytime train lines and 4 nighttime lines, covering a total of 165 stops throughout Munich.

Operating times

The 13 daytime lines operate daily from 4:45 am to 1:30 am, and the 4 nighttime routes run daily from 1:30 am to 4:30 am.


Tickets for Munich's public transport network are the same for every mode of transport. Prices range from €2.90 for a single ticket covering one zone, and from €6.70 for a one-day travelcard around the inner city area. Check out all the different options on our guide to Ticket prices and travelcards in Munich.

Munich tramway map

The best thing to do to find your way around Munich is to plan your route on a map of the public transport network. Check out the tram and bus lines on this handy map which you can download and save on your mobile device!

The Munich public transport network also has a free app that you can use to plan your journeys around the city: MVV-App.